Friday, March 11, 2011

Rohtak - Four AC buses now run on route

Six AC buses on four routes will run just now his. Jaipur and Rewari routes of these buses as the trial is being run, if they go the right route so they will run regularly

According to information received, roadways department closed the case raised by AC buses Bloomberg Taking cognizance of the AC buses run command issued. Roadways General Manager Jogendra Singh, drivers and operators to its own Workshop to be responsible. Just been left for Delhi on Thursday. Buses will run from Friday to rest on their routes

Refusing to order the operator suspended 

Roadways General Manager of the AC buses on routes drivers and operators in setting the duty to call an operator Rajendra sent to an employee of the department. Rajendra on the operator refused to appear before the GM, and that the AC will not simply his duty. According to departmental sources, information from operators on the subject of the GM department employees say some shit. GM said when asked by staff at the scene told the whole thing. Jogendra general manager Rajendra Singh on the spot immediately suspended on allegations of indiscipline.

Meanwhile, operators said Rajendra Singh, AC buses on the way is bad and the angry passengers have to face us. So AC buses refused to duty.

Travelers will be able to make on-line booking  

Roadways Jogendra Singh said the general manager is running on AC buses trial. If these routes are managed so they will be regular. We also feature local routes Paran AC buses will notice. He said the AC buses will run on local routes. Facilitates these buses to the people of the district. If a Aadchan not come soon to Haridwar will just run the AC. Successful trials when booking tickets for AC buses soon will put the responsibility of an authorized person. Advance booking of tickets by mobile and mail so he could get good facilities and passengers. 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Pak girl ran away from home, got married to Haryanvi guy.

Rohtak. Five years are living in a Pakistani family girl has married a local boy. Lovers ran away from home a week ago. Police were searching for them. Meanwhile on Thursday, both reached the district court and present your wedding papers seeking protection. The court directed the district police, the security has been provided.

The girl's grandfather Sohanaram Multan province of Pakistan are living in Alkshaya. India on tourist visas in 2006, including the family they came near Rohtak Bhuakabrpur settled in the village. Here Sohanaram daughter of son Mirchand Mukhytar and village boys became Virender affair between the two escaped from the house. Sadar police station against the girl's father boy girl convence - spirit to take the case was filed. Sadar Police searching for couple Haridwar raid also searched many places including, but not found any. Meanwhile, both the Arya Samaj temple in Delhi have got marriage

Girl's family feared
Couple's decision to marry the girl's family is feared. Sohan Ram says that the villagers are pressing to leave the village immediately on his family. Now he don't wants to live in the village itself. Administration's request that he be given some time, so that goods could shift

Adult girl, who is married to my will. Court order by providing both protection to have. Family Safety will also come from Pakistan, so do not spread any kind of stress.   

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Home :  Panchkula : Ambala : Yamunanagar : Kurukshetra : Kaithal : Karnal : Panipat  : Sonepat : Rohtak :  Jhajjar : Gurgaon : Faridabad : Rewari  : Mahendergarh : Bhiwani : Hissar : Jind : Fatehabad : Sirsa : Mewat

 IIM Rohtak

 Rohtak News and Updates
R­OH­T­AK: H­ar­yan­a par­liam­e­n­t­ar­y affair­s an­­d PW­D­ min­­is­ter Ran­­d­eep S­in­­gh­ S­urj­ew­ala fa­ile­d t­o con­vin­ce­ t­h­e­ Sar­v­aj­at­i­ya Sar­v­akhap M­­ahapanc­hayat­ t­o­ lift­ t­h­e rail blo­c­kad­e near J­u­lani­ v­i­llage in­­ J­in­­d­ on­­ Mon­­d­ay­.
Trai­n­­ s­erv­i­ces­ w­er­e af­f­ected f­o­r­ th­e th­ir­d co­n­secu­tive day­ as th­e pr­o­tester­s co­n­tin­u­ed th­eir­ dh­ar­n­a again­st sh­if­tin­g o­f­ th­e Mir­ch­pu­r­ case tr­ial to­ Delh­i.
Su­r­j­ew­ala h­eld talks w­ith­ a delegatio­n­ at Jin­­d rest hou­se. Th­ough­ th­e­ le­a­de­r­s­ pr­omis­e­d to r­e­tur­n­­ a­fte­r­ ta­lk­s­ w­ith­ oth­e­r­ me­mbe­r­s­ of th­e­ ma­h­a­pa­n­­ch­a­ya­t, th­e­y did n­­ot. Th­e­ min­­is­te­r­ le­ft a­fte­r­ w­a­itin­­g for­, s­ome­ time­.

NEW DELHI: The four new IIMs at Ranchi, Rohtak, Raipur and Trichy have a surprise in store for those who belled the CAT this year. They are working on what could be the next big thing among IIMs. The newly minted institutions are mulling a plan to have their own admission process and even hold joint interviews and group discussions to cherry-pick candidates for this academic year. Currently, all IIMs individually send out call letters for interviews and GDs.

This coming together will greatly ease the stress of having to hop from one interview to another. "We don't want leftover candidates from the older IIMs. IIM-Trichy will have its own identity and admission process. The directors of all new IIMs will meet soon to decide on holding joint interviews and using those scores for admissions," IIM-Trichy director Prafulla Agnihotri told TOI. 

"There is great synergy when the IIMs come together. We have been talking about it (holding joint interviews and GD); all we need to do now is to sit down and chalk it out," P Rameshan, director, IIM Rohtak told TOI.

History of Rohtak
The areas of Rohtak district under went many changes, extending over  hundreds of years before the administrative unit emerged in its present from.  Under  the  Mughal  Emperor  Akbar,  when  his Minister  Todar  Mal  divided  North  India  into  administrative circles, the areas of Rohtak(as a part of Suba of Delhi) fell within the Sarkars of Delhi and Hisar firuqa.  Lying close to the imperial city of Delhi, the tract which now comprises the Rohtak district,was often granted in military Jagir by  the  Sultan  and Mughal emperors to the Nobles of the court. For this reason Rajput, Brahman, Afgan,& Baluch chiefs have at different times enjoyed its revenues. On the death of Bahadur-Shah-I(1707-12),the successor of Aurangzeb, the Mugal  empire began to decline rapidly.  The areas of Rohtak frequently experienced a change of masters. The claims of Imperials were contested sometimes by the Rajputs,Jats & Sikhs and often by the Marathas. George Thomas, the protage of a Maratha leader, Appa Kandirao, established his authority at Hansi and  extended it to Meham and Rohtak for a number of years, until Sindhia and various other regional  forces combined to  derive him away. Sindhia was, however, not destined to hold for long his conquests to the west of the Yamuna. By the treaty of Surjit Arjungaon, signed on Dec.  30,1803, the  Rohtak area alongwith the other possessions of Sindhia situtated to the west of Yamuna passed to the British and came under the administration of the North-west provinces.

The British had no intention at that time to hold large territories beyound the Yamuna.  Accordingly, a number of  Chiefs and  leaders  who  had  done  good  military  service against the Marathas or had atleast remained neuthural, were settled in this tract to form a barrier of independent outposts between the British border and the Cis-Sutlej Sikh estates  as  well as the trans-sutlej rising  kingdom  of  Ranjit Singh.  Accordingly, the Jhajjar territory was given to Nawab Nijabat  Ali  Khan  and  the Baluch  possessions  at B.Garh to his brother, Nawab Ismail Khan. Gohana & Kharkhoda-Mandothi tehsils were given to Raja Bagh Singh of Jind & Bhai Lal Singh of Kaithal as life jagirs.  The villages Lohari, Patudha and Kheri Sultan in  the  south  east  corner  of Jhajjar tehsil were given as a seprate Jagir to Mohmad Khan son & Nawab Nijabat  Ali  Khan. The estates of Hassngarh, Kirhauli, Pyladgarh(Pehladpur) and  Khurampur in Sampla area were also granted to him for life. Rohtak,Beri and Meham tehsils of the present distt. were given to the Nawab of  Dujana  who  resigned the major portion of the gift in A.D.1809 because it was beyond his power to manage it.